Hiking around the clock with the 24h Trophy and Outdooractive
Outdooractive is to be an official partner of the 24h Trophy. The world’s largest platform for outdoor tourism will support the implementation and marketing activities for 2023’s event series. Digital maps of the routes and navigation tools via the Outdooractive app will also be made available to all registered participants who will receive free access to a PRO+ subscription.
The 24h Trophy consists of 9 events that run consecutively between June and September in Austria, Germany and South Tyrol, each offering several hikes varying in distance and altitude. The routes are generally designed to take either 12 or 24 hours, though some events also offer the option of 6 hours. The routes these hikes take are on developed trail networks that have been integrated into Outdooractive’s maps. This means participants can focus more on the experience and having fun than on the stress of conventional navigation.
The 24h Trophy and Outdooractive also share another passion: sustainability. The combination of the ‘1% for the planet’ initiative, cooperation with Digitize the Planet and the Outdooractive’s “public-transport-friendly” filter for route selection means that the topic of sustainability always remains on agenda. Conservation is also an important concern for the organizers of the 24h Trophy with this year’s event again aiming to be climate neutral.
“Nature is our home and so that we can continue to enjoy it undisturbed, it is hugely important for us that this year’s events are climate-neutral,” says Toni Grassl, event organizer and a state-certified mountain guide from the mountain village of Ramsau near Berchtesgaden.
About Outdooractive
Outdooractive is the world’s leading platform for outdoor tourism.
The Outdooractive app and web platform hosts almost one million routes across 180 countries, offers highly detailed precision vector maps, and an immersive digital Travel Guide. The platform also delivers unique routing technology that factors in a current conditions, warnings and trail closures.
Outdooractive not only inspires and helps its users discover their next adventure, but it is also the choice of professionals in the tourism the world over.
Outdooractive My Business delivers bespoke technology, and digitization and marketing solutions to thousands of destination managers (DMOs) and tourism organizations, connecting them with a global audience of outdoor enthusiasts and tourists.
About 24h Trophy
The 24h Trophy is a unique hiking experience that takes place in Europe’s most beautiful outdoor regions, all of which are known for their well-developed network of trails and their picture-book panoramas.
With a total of over 2,000 participants comprised of individual groups of up to 400 people, we journey together over mountains and through valleys on 6, 12, or 24-hour hikes. the events are completely non-competitive and are accompanied by experienced guides.
On the 30- to 75-kilometer routes, participants are looked after and cared for with an all-inclusive experience. With the support of the “24h Trophy” team, everyone is there to motivate and persevere with their hiking goals.
Links to the apps
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/de/app/outdooractive-hiking-biking/id1364846172
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.outdooractive.Outdooractive
Contact for Outdooractive:
Germany, Austria, Swizerland: Isabelle Ernst (isabelle.ernst@outdooractive.com)
Global and UK: Craig Wareham (craig.wareham@outdooractive.com)Contakt for 24H Trophy: grassl event & promotion services gmbh, Griesstätterstr.9, D-83471 Berchtesgaden, info@grassl-eps.de