On our way to becoming the world’s largest outdoor platform
Outdooractive is the perfect companion for anyone enjoying the great outdoors. The Outdooractive Platform offers useful tools and tips for all outdoor activities – regardless of the season. To this end we exploit the whole potential of the digitization and connect the outdoor world more and more every single day. The international platform is based on a central content data-base for the outdoor tourist sector. In line with the principle of solidarity everyone contributes to the content quality. In return they can use the information for their purposes. The network and the reach is growing more and more with each Community member.
Business customers
We support our partners from the tourism, sport, leisure and health sector from all over the world in the digital transformation. Your communication gains more reach and relevance. Our partners’ customers and guests benefit from solutions which increase the pleasure of their outdoor adventure. For this we provide a comprehensive portfolio ranging from web, app, print or cartography products to online marketing and editorial services.
Community members
The fast growing Community with an athletic and sustainable lifestyle form the core of the Outdooractive Platform. They enjoy the great diversity of well-researched contents. Every user is both quality manager and content creator: They can plan, comment on and evaluate tours, but also share their adventures with others.
Travel Guide

Outdooractive Business
With the help of the Outdooractive Business (Content Management System) our users’ content gets onto the platform. Even complex outdoor and tourism contents can easily be created with it. The advantage: The data only needs to be maintained and updated in one single place. Outdooractive offers the necessary interfaces to integrate the contents in the communication channels of our customers. Simultaneously, the system uses international data standards which enable to display the contents via the content-marketing network of the Outdooractive Platform. This way our partners reach their target group exactly where they are online. Not only does the Business put content into the right context, but it facilitates topics, such as rights management and provides a comprehensive reporting.
Outdooractive Business
The database with the whole content
The Outdooractive Platform comprises a wide range of different output channels in the tourism, sport, leisure and health sector including portals, such as outdooractive.com or alpenvereinaktiv.com as well as different websites, apps, blogs, navigational systems, social networks and print products. As the data comply with international standards Outdooractive also is content supplier for international platforms and search engines. That is how our customers gain maximum reach and visibility.
Adventure provider



Healthcare sector

Outdoor portals

Travel portals






Social networks

Millions of users are reached every month via the content-marketing network of the Outdooractive Platform. A medium-sized tourism destination can thus, for example, quintuple its reach on average.
In real-time*
* Figures based on 12 months – updated on an hourly basis
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