Outdooractive Research
Research & development for innovative technologies and sustainable outdoor tourism together with strong partners.

Vision & Mission
Meeting the challenges of sustainable outdoor tourism in cooperation with research partners.
We create an inspiring environment for technological and data-driven innovations in the field of outdoor tourism to develop and implement science-based solutions on the pillars of ecological, social and economic wellbeing. For this, we work closely with partners from the tourism industry, science and academia, NGOs and associations, as well as destinations and protected areas. Together we initiate and implement research projects and develop innovative technologies and applications for regenerative, inspiring and recreational outdoor experiences.
The Research Team
Martin Soutschek
Martin has been working in the field of Research & Development at Outdooractive since 2006. Since 2020, he has been developing the research area as an independent team within the R&D department as Research Director together with Dominik and Simon. As a geographer, Martin had the opportunity to complete a Postgraduate Diploma in Science with a focus on geoinformatics and spatial data analysis at the University of Auckland in New Zealand in 2002 as part of a DAAD scholarship. His passion has always been at the interface between technology, the outdoors and tourism.
In his spare time, Martin loves to be out and about all year round. He enjoys trail running, cycling, ski touring or high altitude tours in the mountains, or simply going on an adventurous hike with his family and three children, or a tobogganing trip with a stopover for Kaiserschmarrn. Inspired by the vision of inspiring people all over the world with the support of digital technologies and enabling them to discover our planet through outdoor activities and sustainable behaviour in nature, Martin looks forward every day to exploring new ways of realising this vision together with other people.
Martin Soutschek
Research Director
+49 8323 8006 507
Dr. Dominik Huber
Dominik has been working at Outdooractive as Senior Research Manager since 2020. As a geographer, he always has the larger economic and social contexts in mind, which proves to be a great advantage due to the interdisciplinary nature of tourism science and the diverse manifestations of travel. A doctoral scholarship from AUT University in Auckland enabled Dominik to spend several years in New Zealand – a true mecca for outdoor enthusiasts. In addition to fly fishing, hiking and open water swimming, Dominik spent several years at the New Zealand Tourism Research Institute working on issues of senior travel behaviour and the role of local people in tourism. He was able to present his findings at international conferences and publish them in renowned journals. At Outdooractive, Dominik brings his competencies and experience especially in the areas of sustainable tourism development, travel behaviour, visitor management, tourism teaching and research design.
Dr. Dominik Huber
Senior Research Manager
+49 8323 8006 501
Simon Reuter
With a background in sustainable tourism management and cultural studies, Simon has worked at the intersections of tourism, development cooperation, and environmental conservation for several years. A passionate hiker and mountain climber from an early age, his career has finally led him to Outdooractive, the world’s leading outdoor tourism platform. He manages research and innovation partnerships with a focus on sustainable regional development, visitor management, biodiversity protection, and climate action through the use of data and technology. Simon shares his time between Quito, Berlin, and the Allgäu and would really like to own a dog someday.
Simon Reuter
Senior Research Partnership Manager
+49 8323 8006 502
Current Projects
Find out more about our currently running projects and initiatives
Visitor management and biodiversity conservation in Alpine protected area through a One Health Approach.
Safety and mobility comfort for cyclists on the basis of sensor-based vital parameters.
Digital Ranger
Preserving biodiversity and reducing disturbance caused by outdoor sports in protected areas with the help of outdoor platforms and technology.
Promoting outdoor sports in European urban areas through unified standards to enhance physical, mental, and social well-being.
Joy of Movement Pioneers Innovation Hub
The innovation hub for more physical activity by addressing the joy of movement.
REMOTE Alliance
Facilitating resilient business models for the holistic development of emerging destinations through sustainable outdoor tourism.
Nudging and smart visitor guidance for water sports in the Spreewald region.
Visitor monitoring and management in protected and recreational areas.
Development of a cross-border visitor monitoring system
Innovative approaches for smart visitor monitoring in the EUREGIO Zugspitz-Wetterstein-Karwendel to protect nature and landscape.
Completed Projects
Findings, impacts and results of our concluded projects
AIR – AI-based recommender for sustainable tourism.
Using AI technology to develop sustainable visitor flow management in German tourism destinations.
Open Tourism Data Initiative for Emerging Destinations in Southeast Europe (OTDI-SEE)
Concepts and capacity building solutions to increase the visibility of the Western Balkans as an outdoor tourism destination in cooperation with local stakeholders.
Flexible adventure bus for sustainable recreational mobility (FEB-NAFV)
Avoiding emissions and relieving tourist hotspots through innovative mobility solutions for leisure transport.
DATES – European Data Space for Tourism
Implementation of an interconnected data space for tourism in Europe.
Innovative map solutions for snow depths, weather forecasts, warnings and climate data.
Development of a model concept for incentive activation for climate-friendly, climate-neutral and climate-positive destination experiences.
Automatic Bike Path Analysis (ABPA)
Concept development and implementation of a system for automated analysis of the condition of cycle paths.
Development of a strategy concept to improve the availability of credible information on sustainable tourism offers.
Active City Innovation – Digital Active Community (ACI)
Health and well-being in urban spaces through the transformation to “Active Cities”.