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The world keeps spinning and we can only take one day at a time

We find ourselves in a period of considerable uncertainty, with nobody knowing quite what the next steps are or the decisions that will be made. Entire countries, individuals and the tourism industry as a whole are being widely impacted by the measures that have been taken to combat the spread of Covid-19. Those who may have underestimated this impact initially should realize by now that, whilst the world keeps spinning, we can only really take one day at a time.

“The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis.’ One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger–but recognize the opportunity.”

J.F. Kennedy

Seize the opportunity in a crisis and use the increased time you have been given to prepare your destination for what comes afterwards. A crisis is only a temporary state and does not define the future; and although your guests might not be able to visit or experience your region at the moment, by you taking the right steps, they will be back as soon as they can.

One of the keys to this is your content, which will continue to remain relevant for the months and years to come. Even if things are tough right now, content remains a safe bet and an investment for your destination or brand’s future so why not take the time that has been freed up to work with us on building and improving it.

At the moment, your guests are longing for reliable and accurate information. Some might even be actively seeking to get into outdoor surroundings to avoid gatherings and other people.

Right now, it is more important than ever to keep your content fully reviewed and updated so as to keep your guests informed about which POI’s, routes and accommodation are open or closed. Stay tuned over the following few weeks for more insights on what to do and how we, at Outdooractive, can support you.