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Outdooractive Conference 2018: Shaping the future of digital tourism

Once again the goal of the annual OAC at the town castle of Immenstadt is to openly discuss challenges, problems, possibilities and solutions with our top-class speakers and participants. New impulses and suggestions, that are forming the shape of the digital future of tourism, will also be introduced by our two keynote speakers at the OAC.

Dirk Rogl (Rogl Consult)

For nearly two decades, Dirk Rogl has significantly influenced the tourism industry and has become a pioneer in his field. No one else knows the traveling market as well as he does: For more than 20 years he has been analyzing the development of German and international tourism, hotel businesses and transportation. He is a specialist for the strategic positioning in the sectors of communication, market intelligence and crisis management. Moreover, he is an expert for travel technologies, social media and online marketing. During his time as deputy editor-in-chief of the tourism journal fvw and as head of communications at Unister, he has accumulated important skills and know-how. As Research Analyst Europe for Phocuswright, jury member of the German Tourism Award and deputy head of the Federal Competence Center Tourism, Rogl is committed to the future-oriented development of the tourism industry.

Rodney Payne (Destination Think!)

Rodney Payne knows how significantly important travelling is to people. He is THE expert for destination marketing. He knows the challenges destinations have to face and knows the wishes and needs of guests. His core competence is to bring both sides together. The entrepreneur and co-founder of Destination Think! has cooperated with many destinations around the world. His work combines his passions for innovation and creativity. He then transfers it to the marketing of a DMO and thus develops an ideal marketing mix. Destination Think! consults DMOs with regard to their identity, brand and organizational strategies.

These intriguing topics await you at the #oac18.

#1 How can we put guests and customers in the center of our digital strategy?

Service is not only the key in analog tourism information or hotel reception, but also for digital channels. During a vacation guests want to reach their destinations as easy, uncomplicated and fast as possible. They do not want to waste their limited time waiting in a line. Content needs to be personalized and adjusted to the needs of a guest.

#2 What influence do automated systems and artificial intelligence have on guest communication?

Can artificial systems even reach the standard that “real” employees provide? Can a machine answer specific and individual questions well enough? But then again, is around-the-clock reachability not expected by now and do people not immediately look things up online instead of making a call?

#3 Why is data quality the basis of compatibility with future gadgets?

No one wants a wrong answer to a question which is why answering this question is very easy. Automated systems can only provide good results if the data on which answers and recommendations are generated from are made available in sufficient and good quality. But what is data quality? Is it enough to simply provide correct information?

#4 Considering the digital networking – How is data quality still guaranteed?

By now, everyone knows the term Open Data. Which makes it all the more interesting to learn how the quality of data could be secured if everyone knows how to spread information and share it on social media. What happens when a third party changes my data? And what about data storage – once online, always online?

#5 Which roll do central data bases play? Do destinations really need individual websites?

Numerous portals flood the internet. There is a platform that gathers, compares and concentrates information for every search term. Moreover, there are numerous websites that give additional information. Is it enough to present content on your own website? What are the advantages of a portal?

#6 What does the future of working with DMOs look like?

The most fascinating question that essentially concerns everyone. Which buttons to press, which levers need to be set in motion and which switches to flip to ensure the machinery of the future functions smoothly.

You want answers to these questions? Secure an Early Bird Ticket for the Outdooractive Conference.